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71 Years Of Experience!

Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Surveying Services
Soil Borings, Soil Composition Testing, Foundation Engineering, etc.

Geotechnical Services - Drilling Geotechnical Services - Soil Investigation Drill rig being lifted in air by crane

What's lurking below the surface of the soil is critical knowledge when it comes to building structures and ensuring that they have the proper foundation. Having a firm that you can trust to accurately tell what's underneath your site cannot be understated.

Testing Service Corporation has specialized in professional Geotechnical Engineering and soil composition analysis for a long time. The industry trusts us to give them an accurate depiction of the site, so they don't wind up with any surprises. We can also make recommendations for the site based on what we are seeing in the soil samples.

All projects are conducted under the general supervision of a professional staff of licensed Engineers and a full-service Geotechnical laboratory.

Our Geotechnical Engineering Services consist of soil surveying, soil borings, subsurface exploration, soil engineering and analysis and a variety of other services outlined below.

Primary Services

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